Contextual Studies Brief Notes 08/01/15

Something that has stuck, a status from Wojtek Fus, an amazing concept artist

I have never been one to take the easy route in life, that's not where the glory is. I was fully aware that it is extremely difficult to become a concept artist within the gaming industry when I enrolled on Game Art and Design, that there is a possibility that I'll never get a job remotely similar - but I will not ever stop trying. When I lost my job at Boots 2 years ago, after a few years of jumping from minimum paid job which I hated, to another I hated even more, I promised myself that this wouldn't last forever. 

When we got the news that our next Contextual Studies project was about researching the gaming industry and focusing on job roles, practices and structures relating to our futures, I was over the moon. I am looking forward to digging deep and gaining a better understanding of where I want to go and the pros and cons of doing so, as well as developing my understanding of the industry as a whole. As a student with additional responsibilities outside of Uni life, I have a lot of concerns about how perusing my dream career might affect the life I have worked so hard to build for myself and my partner over the last few years. I don't want to end up in a position where the compromise is bigger than the dream. I am ultimately looking for my place in the Game Art world which will allow me to purchase my own house shortly after Uni, a structured job that supports building a family and a secure job where I don't have to leave for extended periods of time. 

Key notes from lecture:

- What are the key differences in working for AAA studios and working in smaller independent studios? What are the pros and cons of each?
- Investigate and research the industry roles working towards a 1000 word report with all research recorded on the blog.
- Include primary research from industry talks and interviews with workers within the industry. All primary research can be noted in an appendix at the end of your essay which will not go towards the word count. Industry lecture dates include; 16th and 29th Jan.
- Research the history of the gaming industry, how has it evolved? Has the particular role you are interested in evolved as a result of any key movements such as Disney workers strikes.
- Talk from Robin who organises the Norwich Gaming Festival. Possible voluntary position available?
- Have a look at International Game Developers Association.
- Is the gaming industry gender balanced? How has this improved over the years? Are there any companies which are more unbalanced than others? How would this affect your decision or your personal circumstances? Look at Rockstar who apparently have an office that employs 100% men.
- Think about your research in terms of your life, what parts of the very wide and versatile industry appeal to you?
- Are there any relevant political movements?
- Look at the statistics in the IGDA’s Game Developer Satisfaction Survey and interpret them into any relevant points.
- Back up any secondary evidence with referencing and statistics.
- As some games have such a large following, there are an increasing amount of Community Manager jobs available.
- In an increasingly more digital world, there are new and innovative ways to work enforced by the implementation of technology. For instance, instead of having to relocate for a job, you could work from home and communicate via digital methods. This allows for more flexibility and diversity within the workforce as well as cutting out physical studio costs.
- It was recommended that we all have a Linked In account and update it when necessary to build contacts.
- Game Dev Map - A living catalogue of game development organizations.
- Look at local studios eg. Jagex in Cambridge.
- Practice how to write professional emails for when you may need to contact people for interviews for primary evidence. Sharon said that she is more than happy to proof read your emails as long as you start your email with 'Dear Sharon' and not HEYYYYYYYYYYYY.

70 hours - 05/01/15 - 20/02/15

This project explores contemporary game industries, focusing specifically on industry roles, practices and structures, entrepreneurship, and possible futures. You will research roles and practices within the games industry addressing the increasingly blurred lines of separation between producer and consumer, independent and mainstream, audience and participant. Considering how commercial considerations and new technology effect creative output, you will analyse possible roles offered by the contemporary sector. You will research the different ways in which artists and designers are involved in digital game production, ranging from mainstream AAA+ titles to digital games produced by ‘DIY’ independent studios. The unit further focuses on the changing degrees of co-operation and integration across media industries through process and delivery technologies Working individually you will write a 1,000 word report, building on the skills

Business and Professional Skills: You will undertake extensive research into practitioners and companies to gain understanding of contemporary industry roles and practices. You are expected to conduct primary research by contacting and/or visiting examples of the above. You will gain further understanding of the development of game modes and industries, presenting findings in a professional and appropriate manner.
Contextual Studies: You will conduct secondary research of academic and industry sources using both analogue (books, journals, magazines, corporate literature) and digital (websites, e-journals, academic blogs) sources. You will be expected to historically and culturally contextualize your example.


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