Whilst researching the role of a Concept Artist I stumbled across an interview with Matt Kohr on Game Career Guide. Matt Kohr isn't just an exceptionally talented artist, he is also an incredible human being and the creator of CTRL+Paint, a free online digital painting resource website with loads of helpful tutorials covering all of the fundamentals of drawing and digital painting. I will be revisiting the site to get some tips on anatomical drawing.
What interests me most about Matt is how his incredible determination and slight flair for breaking the rules landed him gigs within the gaming industry whilst he was still studying at the Savannah College of Art and Design.
"I forgot to bring a portfolio, but told him to visit my web site at the end of the week. When I told him that, though, I did not actually have a web site! A week later, however, I did."
Being what he describes as 'a defiant freshman', Matt ignored the instruction of his tutors and proceeded to invite studios to view his portfolio - a bold move to say the least. Although I wouldn't ignore the advice of my tutors, and certainly (hopefully) not forget my portfolio at any opportunistic time, I admire his sheer determination and sass. After creating his website he gained an internship which lead to a good working relationship with the studio throughout the rest of his education.
When asked for his best advice for aspiring concept artists he says 'never put down your pencil, if you practice enough, the technical part will stop hindering your art, and you can focus on being creative.' He also suggests participating in game jams, contributing to online societies such as ConceptArt.Org and to never give up.
Since graduating from college Matt has worked on various titles including Despicable Me the Game and Madagascar 3: The Game. He now works as a freelance artist and manages his online resource website CTRL + Paint.
Game Career Guide - Becoming a Concept Artist
CTRL + Paint - Competing for Dream Jobs
Matt Kohr.com
@ctrlpaint (Twitter)
'If you want it, prove it.'
Since graduating from college Matt has worked on various titles including Despicable Me the Game and Madagascar 3: The Game. He now works as a freelance artist and manages his online resource website CTRL + Paint.
Game Career Guide - Becoming a Concept Artist
CTRL + Paint - Competing for Dream Jobs
Matt Kohr.com
@ctrlpaint (Twitter)
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